LDM information is not stored in the hard disks' partition table (MBR),
because of its size. The
LDM database occupies the last megabyte of the
physical disk instead. Additionally, a PRIVHEAD element pointing to the database
is stored immediately following the MBR. To protect a dynamic volumes from
legacy applications which are not aware of LDM layout and think that there is a
free space where in fact it is used by dynamic volumes, a special entry is
placed into MBR. One partition of type 0x42 occupying the entire disk is created
and stored in MBR, as illustrated below.

The LDM database may be quite complex. The four-level
description (Volume-Component-Partition-Disk) is used to describe each volume to
accumulate all possible RAID layouts. Because of fault tolerance requirements,
LDM database is replicated across all physical disks in the machine. Should one
of the disks fail, the whole database is still available and the fault-tolerant
drives can be mounted even some of their member disks are missing.